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Five new top researchers to join CISPA

In the recent hiring season, CISPA has once again managed to attract an outstanding group of researchers. The five new researchers are coming from prestigious international research institutions to join the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarland, Germany. This brings the total number of CISPA Faculty up to 39.

The first hiring season of 2023 is completed concluded, and CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security is delighted to welcome new exceptional scientists from various fields.

Franziska Boenisch

Dr Franziska Boenisch is coming from Canada to the Saarland. Franziska is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto and Vector Institute in Toronto advised by Prof. Nicolas Papernot. Her current research centers around private and trustworthy machine learning with a focus on decentralized applications. Franziska obtained her Ph.D. at the Computer Science Department at Freie University Berlin, where she pioneered the notion of individualized privacy in machine learning. During her Ph.D., Franziska was a research associate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC), Germany. She received a Fraunhofer TALENTA grant for outstanding female early career researchers and the German Industrial Research Foundation prize for her research on machine learning privacy.

Adam Dziedzic

Dr Adam Dziedzic is joining CISPA from the same research institution. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto and Vector Institute, advised by Prof. Nicolas Papernot. His research focus is on trustworthy machine learning, especially model stealing and defenses as well as on private and confidential collaborative machine learning. Adam finished his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, advised by Prof. Sanjay Krishnan, where he worked on input and model compression for adaptive and robust neural networks. He obtained his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Warsaw University of Technology. Adam was also studying at the Technical University of Denmark and EPFL. He worked at CERN, Barclays Investment Bank, Microsoft Research, and Google.

Aurore Fass

Dr Aurore Fass is joining CISPA from Stanford University. Aurore is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and is no stranger to CISPA. She got her Ph.D. from CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security & Saarland University in 2021. Aurore's research revolves around designing practical approaches to protect the security and privacy of Web users. Specifically, she builds systems to proactively detect malicious JavaScript code and suspicious browser extensions. She collects and analyzes data to understand how people spend time on the Web and to prioritize defense strategies. Aurore has served on the program committees of the leading security conferences and was awarded a Top Reviewer Award at ACM CCS 2022 and a PC Member Honorable Mention at TheWebConf 2022.

Priyanka Golia

Another top researcher joining CISPA is Priyanka Golia. She is completing her Ph.D. at NUS, Singapore and IIT Kanpur, India. Her research interests lie at the intersection of formal methods and artificial intelligence. Her work on scalable automated synthesis
 and testing techniques has been recognized with Best Paper nominations at ICCAD-21 and DATE-23. Priyanka was named one of the EECS Rising Stars in 2022.

Maximilian Golla

Dr Maximilian Golla is also among the new senior scientists. He specializes in human factors in computer security. His work supports users in their daily struggles with mobile and online authentication. He is also interested in usable privacy, supporting users in making more informed privacy decisions. Maximilian received his Ph.D. from Ruhr University Bochum and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy.