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Are you an excellent computer science student with a passion for cybersecurity, privacy, or AI? At CISPA, we believe your talent is the key to shaping the future of information security.

The CISPA Excellence Program is designed to support exceptional students like you, providing funding, training, networking opportunities, and mentorship for the next generation of researchers and entrepreneurs.

The CISPA Excellence Program for Master’s Students supports MSc-level candidates at all of CISPA’s German partner universities.  This program prepares graduates with an outstanding Bachelor’s degree to qualify for a future doctoral or entrepreneurial career at CISPA.


Top students about to start or in the first semester of a Master’s program at one of CISPA’s German partner universities.


Participants in the Excellence Program will benefit from both financial and ideational support at a world-leading research center. They will receive a student assistant contract for 12 months, with the possibility for an extension of further 6+6 months. The candidates will also benefit from our support structures, mentoring and first-hand contact with cutting-edge research to create the best possible environment to boost their professional and academic career.

The supported candidates

  • can focus on the completion of the coursework for their respective study programs within the nominal time
  • may tailor their coursework to topics relevant to the core of CISPA’s research mission (security, privacy, cryptography, and trustworthy AI)
  • will receive close mentoring to boost their academic and professional development
  • have the opportunity to spend two research internships of approx. 4 weeks each in two different CISPA groups to interact with other scientists at CISPA and collaborate on cutting-edge research
  • have the opportunity to participate in at least two CISPA-organized research talks per semester to gain valuable scientific insights
  • have the opportunity to take part in valuable networking activities to boost their professional profile and extend their network
  • can benefit from CISPA’s various support structures and offers such as taking part in language courses or receiving onboarding services for any issues related to living and working in Germany


  • Bachelor’s degree  in Computer Science or a related discipline from a top-tier, research-oriented institution
  • Excellence in terms of academic record and (optionally) previous professional achievements
  • Affinity to at least one of CISPA’s research areas
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English


  • Applications can only be submitted upon the nomination by a CISPA faculty member.
    Submission deadlines are 15 June for the upcoming winter term and 15 December for the upcoming summer term.
  • Information on the required application documents can be received after contacting CISPA’s Early Career Support team (ECAS; see below).


Please send an email to CISPA’s Early Career Support (ECAS) if you have questions about the program or wish to receive information on how to submit your application after you have been nominated by a CISPA faculty member: