Following the theme "CISPA loves IGB", we celebrated together with the citizens of St. Ingbert and other curious guests on September 16 on the historic grounds of the Alte Schmelz industrial cathedral. Now we are looking forward to the realization of our common vision for the city and the whole country. We will keep the memories of this first, but certainly not last, joint celebration in our minds for a long time to come. That was nice!
4:00 p.m. CISPA Vision
Lectures, keynotes and presentations by Lord Mayor Prof. Dr. Ulli Meyer, Minister President Anke Rehlinger, digital expert Dr. Thomas Sattelberger, Dr. Peter Memminger and CEO & founding director Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Backes.
In addition the official program featuring information and presentations relating to CISPA research and the city of St. Ingbert, there will be a special children's program offering fun and games on the outdoor stage. Three street food trucks will have something to offer for all tastes.
©© 2006 Televersal/ZDF
Künstliche Intelligenz –
Chancen und Risikenwith Rebekka Burkholz
Wieso ist Phishing
eigentlich so einfach?with Sven Bugiel
Wie vertrauenswürdig sind
ChatGPT und Co.?with Mario Fritz
Unsichere Webseiten
erkennenwith Michael Schwarz
The event is taking place at Industriekathedrale Alte Schmelz in St. Ingbert.
Saarbrücker Straße 38K
66386 St. Ingbert
©© Tobias Ebelshäuser
“As a world-leading research center for cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, we want to take responsibility for structural change in Saarland and contribute to economic growth with our research.”
“CISPA presents us with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that we should embrace with open arms. It's an opportunity for all of us, for our economy, for our community and for the future of our city.”