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On exploring feature representation learning of items to forecast their rise and fall in social media


User-item interactions in social media provide a rich dataset for wide applications such as viral marketing and recommender systems. Post retweeting behaviors and venue check-in events by users are the most representative. While existing studies predict items’ rise and fall, i.e., tweet popularity and venue closure detection, using hand-crafted features, this paper aims at exploring feature representation learning to improve prediction performance. We target at two essential time-series classification tasks on social media, including Shutdown Risk Prediction (SRP) of venues and Tweet Popularity Prediction (TPP) of posts. We study how feature representation learning of items can benefit both SRP and TPP tasks. The main idea is to learn item embedding vectors as features in item-item graphs constructed from time series of check-in events and retweeting behaviors. The learned features are used together with manually-defined features to enlarge the representation capability. In the TPP task, we also propose a pattern-aware self-exciting point process (PSEISMIC) model to generate time-series features. Experiments conducted on Instagram, Foursquare, and Twitter datasets exhibit promising performance of jointly utilizing learned and extracted features in both tasks. PSEISMIC can also further boost TPP accuracy. The major contribution of this work is three-fold. First, we propose to jointly deal with SRP and TPP under the same framework of feature extraction and learning. Second, we show that feature presentation learning of items can benefit these two prediction tasks with time series data. Third, by incorporating time series patterns, the proposed PSEISMIC further improves the performance of popularity prediction.


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