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Demystifying React Native Android Apps for Static Analysis


React Native, an open-source framework, simplifies cross-platform app development by allowing JavaScript-side code to interact with native-side code. Previous studies disregarded React Native, resulting in insufficient static analysis of React Native app code. This study initiates the investigation of challenges when statically analyzing React Native apps. We propose ReuNify to improve Soot-based static analysis coverage for JavaScript-side and native-side code. ReuNify converts Hermes bytecode to Soot's intermediate representation. Hermes bytecode, compiled from JavaScript code and integrated into React Native apps, possesses a unique syntax that eludes current JavaScript analyzers. Additionally, we investigate opcode distribution and conduct in-depth analyses of the usage of opcode between popular apps and malware. We also propose a benchmark consisting of 97 control-flow-related cases to validate the control-flow recovery of the generated intermediate representation. Furthermore, we model the cross-language communication mechanisms of React Native to expand the static analysis coverage for native-side code. Our evaluation demonstrates that ReuNify enables an average increase of 84% in reached nodes within the call graph and further identifies an average of two additional privacy leaks in taint analysis. In summary, this paper demonstrates that ReuNify significantly improves the static analysis for the React Native Android apps.




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