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© Stephanie Bremerich



Stuhlsatzenhaus 5
66123 Saarbrücken (Germany)

Awards (selection)

2023: ACM Fellow

2019: Karl-Heinz Beckurts Prize

2018: IEEE Fellow

2018: Honorary Doctorate

2017: NSA Cybersecurity Research Award

2017: IEEE Golden Core Award

2017: CNIL-INRIA Privacy Award

2014: ERC Synergy Grant

2014: IEEE Outstanding Community Service Award

2011: IEEE Outstanding Community Service Award

2009: MIT TR35

2009: ERC Starting Grant

2008: IBM Faculty Award

2007: Fellow of the German Max Planck Society

2005: IBM Outstanding Achievement Award for Linking Formal Verification and Cryptography

2005: IBM Research Division Award for contributions to Web Services Security

2004: Microsoft Award for outstanding research in privacy enhancing technologies

2004: IBM Outstanding Achievement Award for contributions to Enterprise Privacy Architectures

2002: VDI Diploma Thesis Award

2001: Scholarship of the DFG graduate studies program ”Quality Guarantees for Computer Systems”

Short Bio

Michael Backes is the founding director and CEO of the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security.

In his research, Prof. Backes focuses primarily on trustworthy methods for machine learning, on novel approaches for protecting personal data, and on universal solutions for software and system security. His research results have shaped these scientific fields internationally, as is evidenced by over 300 peer-reviewed and highly cited publications in renowned international journals and conference proceedings.

His research has earned him internationally renowned scientific awards and honors, in particular the ERC Synergy Grant, which is Europe's most highly endowed EU group research award, the Karl Heinz Beckurts Prize, an ERC Starting Grant, the Caspar Bowden Privacy Award, the IEEE and ACM Fellowship, as well as various Career Awards and Best Paper Awards.

His research results have regularly been translated into highly innovative applications that have brought him widespread attention beyond the scientific community. In particular, Prof. Backes was the first German to receive the MIT TR35 Award, which recognized him as one of the top 35 researchers and innovators in the world under the age of 35 (across disciplines) whose “accomplishments are poised to have a dramatic impact on the world as we know it”.

Michael Backes is regularly listed in rankings as one of Germany's most important IT personalities. He holds an honorary doctorate from the Université de Lorraine and is both honorary citizen and future ambassador of the city of St. Ingbert.



CV: Last stations

Since 2017
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security - Founding Director and Chairman (CEO)
Since 2005
Saarland University - Professor
CISPA, Saarland University - Scientific Director
2007 - 2017
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems - Max Planck Fellow

Publications by Michael Backes

Year 2018

Conference / Medium

IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)

Conference / Medium

IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)

Conference / Medium

IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)

Conference / Medium

The Web Conference (WWW)

Conference / Medium

IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)

Conference / Medium

Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)


Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence