2017: Busy Beaver Award for "Cybersecurity I"
Dr. Giancarlo Pellegrino is a tenured Faculty at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Before that he was a visiting assistant professor at Stanford University and research group leader at CISPA as part of the CISPA-Stanford Center for Cybersecurity. He got his PhD at Eurecom in Sophia-Antipolis (France) under the supervision of Davide Balzarotti. Until August 2013, Giancarlo was a researcher associate in the Security and Trust group at the SAP research labs.
International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
Usenix Security Symposium (USENIX-Security)
IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)
Usenix Security Symposium (USENIX-Security)
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC)
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)