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Eva Michely

IT-security for the young: Open Day at the CISPA Cysec Lab

On July 11, 2024, the school lab of the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security hosts an open lab day at the Beckerturm in St. Ingbert. Students, teachers and parents are invited to come along and explore many different aspects of IT security. In the morning, there will be different workshops for school classes in grades 5 to 13, while the afternoon will be open to the interested public, especially children, young people, and their parents. As a special highlight, the CISPA Escape Room will also be available to visitors.

On Open Day at the CISPA Cysec Lab, students from all schools in grades 5 to 13 are invited to explore cybersecurity topics in guided workshops and interactive study booths. In the morning, the closed program takes place between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm, featuring different workshops for school classes and teachers. Depending on the target group and grade, the workshops will focus on the basics of either web security or cryptography. In the afternoon, the open program for all members of the public takes place from 13:00 to 16:00.

Science rally involving over 35 interactive study booths

In addition to the workshops, over 35 interactive study booths, digital quizzes and multi-level games will be offered in and around the Beckerturm. Engaging with these, participants can acquire knowledge on topics such as deepfakes, data protection, cryptography, side-channel attacks and botnets, while developing an awareness of digital security risks. There are also non-digital booths so as to provide learners with different accesses to the subject matter. For example, there are study booths on logic, algorithms and various encryption methods that do not require any electricity at all. The learning content of all demos and study booths is linked together as part of a science rally.

Program catering to all knowledge levels

All study booths have been developed for a heterogeneous target group, offering different levels of difficulty. Most of the booths can be solved without prior knowledge; knowledge already acquired can be deepened in bonus levels and more complex demos. "We create program items for all knowlegde levels. It is important to us that people without any prior knowledge can take advantage of our offer and enjoy it. After all, our work is also about cultivating an awareness of IT security issues among young people," says Andrea Ruffing, head of the CISPA Cysec Lab.

Information for teachers:

Our program is suitable for students of all school types in grades 5 to 13. We kindly ask interested primary school teachers to contact us in advance. The CISPA Cysec Lab team supervises the demos and booths and is available for questions and discussions. The event will take place in a designated area in the CISPA Cysec Lab and in marquees just outside the lab.


Please register groups and school classes using the registration form. Requested dates will be confirmed promptly (subject to availability). All information about the event and registration can be found here: