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MultiMax: Sparse and Multi-Modal Attention Learning


SoftMax is a ubiquitous ingredient of modern machine learning algorithms. It maps an input vector onto a probability simplex and reweightsthe input by concentrating the probability mass at large entries. Yet, as a smooth approximation to the Argmax function, a significant amount of probability mass is distributed to other, residual entries, leading to poor interpretability and noise. Although sparsity can be achieved by a family of SoftMax variants, they often require an alternative loss function and do not preserve multimodality. We show that this trade-off between multi-modality and sparsity limits the expressivity of SoftMax as well as its variants. We provide a solution to this tension between objectives by proposing a piece-wise differentiable function, termed MultiMax, which adaptively modulates the output distribution according to input entry range. Through comprehensive analysis and evaluation, we show that MultiMax successfully produces a distribution that supresses irrelevant entries while preserving multi-modality, with benefits in image classification, language modeling and machine translation.

Conference Paper

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)

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