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Early Stopping for Any Number of Corruptions


Minimizing the round complexity of byzantine broadcast is a fundamental question in distributed computing and cryptography. In this work, we present the first early stopping byzantine broadcast protocol that tolerates up to t = n−1 malicious corruptions and terminates in O(min{f 2 , t+ 1}) rounds for any execution with f ≤ t actual corruptions. Our protocol is deterministic, adaptively secure, and works assuming a plain public key infrastructure. Prior early-stopping protocols all either require honest majority or tolerate only up to t = (1 − ϵ)n malicious corruptions while requiring either trusted setup or strong number theoretic hardness assumptions. As our key contribution, we show a novel tool called a polariser that allows us to transfer certificate-based strategies from the honest majority setting to settings with a dishonest majority.

Conference Paper

International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques (EuroCrypt)

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