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Brief Announcement: Content-Oblivious Leader Election on Rings


In content-oblivious computation, n nodes wish to compute a given task over an asynchronous network that suffers from an extremely harsh type of noise, which corrupts the content of all messages across all channels. In a recent work, Censor-Hillel, Cohen, Gelles, and Sela (Distributed Computing, 2023) showed how to perform arbitrary computations in a content-oblivious way in 2-edge connected networks but only if the network has a distinguished node (called root) to initiate the computation. Our goal is to remove this assumption, which was conjectured to be necessary. Achieving this goal essentially reduces to performing a content-oblivious leader election since an elected leader can then serve as the root required to perform arbitrary content-oblivious computations. We focus on ring networks, which are the simplest 2-edge connected graphs. On oriented rings, we obtain a leader election algorithm with message complexity O(n · IDmax), where IDmax is the maximal assigned ID. As it turns out, this dependency on IDmax is inherent: we show a lower bound of Ω(n log(IDmax/n)) messages for content-oblivious leader election algorithms. We also extend our results to non-oriented rings, where nodes cannot tell which channel leads to which neighbor. In this case, however, the algorithm does not terminate but only reaches quiescence.

Conference Paper

ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)

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