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Five more startups receive StartUpSecure funding

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing a total of 3.8 million euros for five startups at the CISPA incubator. Cybervize,, Kertos, LUBIS EDA and NetBird had submitted their funding applications with the support of CISPA. During the one-year project period, they will work together with CISPA to bring their ideas to market maturity. In the following we would like to briefly introduce the teams and their projects.


Cybervize receives funding from the BMBF to implement an AI-supported ISMS (Information Security Management System) with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The team is developing an ISMS as an expert system, much of which will be automated through the use of a SAAS solution and AI. This creates a cost-effective cybersecurity solution that is specifically targeted at SMEs. In addition to the automated part, the solution is complemented by human-performed assessments and a community forum. 

>> more about Cybervize on our blog receives funding for their project "Create Secure". The team is developing a solution that enables collaboration on creative and intellectual projects with physically unknown participants and entities that is secure externally to third parties and internally to project partners. The goal is to create a digital collaboration space that is secure for users, offering security, privacy compliance, and commitment, as well as uniqueness regarding the data stored and the participants in the collaboration.

>> more about on our blog


Kertos is developing a solution called "Kertos - Hybrid Zero-Trust Architecture for Highest Data Protection Standards" that connects the entire IT infrastructure of a company to manage personal data and fully automate data protection processes. In particular, this involves data subject inquiries and the deletion concepts required as a result. To solve these tasks, Kertos relies on a hybrid architecture that does not require the (unencrypted) transmission of authentication keys, tokens or even clear passwords. Using a zero-trust architecture, Kertos ensures compliance with the highest security standards, as no business-critical or sensitive information needs to be transferred to Kertos servers (apart from existing providers and the company's own infrastructure). This can significantly speed up integration and internal auditing processes.

>> more about Kertos on our blog


LUBIS EDA is working on the project "Automatic Generation of Hardware Security Modules (HSM) in Microchip Development" with funding from the BMBF. The team is developing a solution to identify and thereby address security vulnerabilities in the early development phase of semiconductors. The resulting solution will enable developers to identify security vulnerabilities at an early stage by using a so-called watchdog, which can mirror the input/output behavior of the hardware and monitor it for inconsistencies. 

>> more about LUBIS EDA on our blog


NetBird receives funding for the project "NetBird - The Future of Network Security: Zero-Trust Mesh Networks." Their solution enables companies to connect external network participants and is far superior to the current widespread VPN approaches based on username and password in terms of security.  From a technical perspective, the product is based on the zero-trust approach and a peer-to-peer network architecture. Enhanced by a machine learning-based policy engine that communicates with a corresponding agent on the client system, externally connected network participants can be permanently monitored and their "authenticity" verified in real time.