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© Tobias Ebelshäuser
Research Group


Modern Cryptography

Modern cryptography makes systems resilient against a wide range of adversarial interference, but comes at a cost and ultimately rests on unproven assumptions. More recently, many classical cryptographic assumptions and protocols have come under threat by the prospect of scalable quantum computation. The focus of our group is on foundational research in cryptography, especially in the fields of public key encryption and secure multiparty computation, and motivated by the following questions: What are the most basic assumptions that suffice or are necessary to realize a cryptographic task? Which cryptographic tasks can we realize with security against quantum adversaries? Can we construct cryptographic protocols with minimal overhead, especially regarding their communication costs?

Head of Group

Nico Döttling



Kaiserstraße 21
66386 St. Ingbert (Germany)

Most Recent Publications

Year 2024

Conference / Medium

International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security (ASIACRYPT)

Conference / Medium

International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques (EuroCrypt)

Conference / Medium

International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography (PKC)