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Analyzing Security and Privacy Advice During the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Twitter


The Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022 resulted in a rapidly changing cyber threat environment globally and incentivized the sharing of security and privacy advice on social media. Previous research found a strong impact of online security advice on end-user behavior. Twitter is an important platform for sharing information in crises. We examined 306 tweets with security and privacy advice related to the Ukrainian war, and created a taxonomy of 224 unique pieces of advice in seven categories, targeted at individuals or organizations in Ukraine and elsewhere. While our findings include untargeted and generic advice known from previous research, we identify novel advice specific to the invasion, offers for individual consultation, and misinformation on security and privacy advice as a new threat. Our findings highlight the strengths and shortcomings of the security and privacy advice given online during the invasion and establish areas for improvements and future research.


International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)



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