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A Low-Cost Privacy-Preserving Digital Wallet for Humanitarian Aid Distribution


Humanitarian organizations distribute aid to people affected by armed conflicts or natural disasters. Digitalization has the potential to increase the efficiency and fairness of aid-distribution systems, and recent work by Wang et al. has shown that these benefits are possible without creating privacy harms for aid recipients. However, their work only provides a solution for one particular aid-distribution scenario in which aid recipients receive a pre-defined set of goods. Yet, in many situations, it is desirable to enable recipients to decide which items they need at each moment to satisfy their specific needs. We formalize these needs into functional, deployment, security, and privacy requirements, and design a privacy-preserving digital wallet for aid distribution. Our smart-card-based solution enables aid recipients to spend a pre-defined budget at different vendors to obtain the items that they need. We prove our solution's security and privacy properties, and show it is practical at scale.


IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)



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