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HARTS: High-Threshold, Adaptively Secure, and Robust Threshold Schnorr Signatures


Threshold variants of the Schnorr signature scheme have recently been at the center of attention due to their applications to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. However, existing constructions for threshold Schnorr signatures among a set of n parties with corruption threshold t_c suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) security only against static (i.e., non-adaptive) adversaries, (ii) cubic or higher communication cost to generate a single signature, (iii) strong synchrony assumptions on the network, or (iv) t_c+1 are sufficient to generate a signature, i.e., the corruption threshold of the scheme equals its reconstruction threshold. Especially (iv) turns out to be a severe limitation for many asynchronous real-world applications where t_c = 2n/3 > 2t_c. This is optimal. We prove our result in a modular fashion in the algebraic group model. At the core of our construction, we design a new simple and adaptively secure high-threshold AVSS scheme which may be of independent interest.


International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security (ASIACRYPT)



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