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Count Corruptions, Not Users: Improved Tightness for Signatures, Encryption and Authenticated Key Exchange


In the multi-user with corruptions (muc) setting there are n >1 users, and the goal is to prove that, even in the face of an adversary that adaptively corrupts users to expose their keys, un-corrupted users retain security. This can be considered for many primitives including signatures and encryption. Proofs of muc security, while possible, generally suffer a factor n loss in tightness, which can be large. This paper gives new proofs where this factor is reduced to the number c of corruptions, which in practice is much smaller than n. We refer to this as corruption-parametrized muc (cp-muc) security. We give a general result showing it for a class of games that we call local. We apply this to get cp-muc security for signature schemes (including ones in standards and in TLS 1.3) and some forms of public-key and symmetric encryption. Then we give dedicated cp-muc security proofs for some important schemes whose underlying games are not local, including the Hashed ElGamal and Fujisaki-Okamoto KEMs and authenticated key exchange. Finally, we give negative results to show optimality of our bounds.


International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security (ASIACRYPT)



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